Ford’s Lab is the Internet office of Brian Ford, an American Internet Security Engineer and Professional Development Consultant. Professional development refers to continuing education and career training after a person has entered the workforce in order to help them develop new skills, achieve industry certifications, and advance their career. Brian is a technical career coach who works with people to advance in their careers.
- Brian can help you:
- decide which training and certification to pursue to advance your career;
- develop a plan for you to study for and pass certification exams;
- identify the best training resources based on how you learn; and
- develop a plan to maintain your skills and certifications.
This site’s ‘tag line’ that appears above is based on a quote by Henry Ford. While Ford was a great innovator in his time Brian modified what were his words to fit his own sensibilities and beliefs.
Login here or you can read entries from Brian’s technical journal at the Blog page.
© 2021 Brian Ford. All rights reserved.